
2019年9月24日—It'sallratherconfusingbutthedramaseemstohaveworkeditselfout:sZoneOnlineisnowapparentlycalledAnomalyZone,andStalkerOnline ...,2022年11月13日—wonderingifanyonehasanideaiftheSzoneonlineserversarestillactive?beentryingtoconnecttothemwithoutanylucktheiralready ...,ItfeelslikearetardedstepsonfromtheS.T.A.L.K.E.R.gameseriesasthereareseveralsimilarities.Youarecalledastalkerinthegame,alot...

Stalker Online, the Exclusion Zone MMO, is finally coming ...

2019年9月24日 — It's all rather confusing but the drama seems to have worked itself out: sZone Online is now apparently called Anomaly Zone, and Stalker Online ...

Szone Online

2022年11月13日 — wondering if anyone has an idea if the Szone online servers are still active? been trying to connect to them without any luck their already ...


It feels like a retarded stepson from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series as there are several similarities. You are called a stalker in the game, a lot of metro ...

What is the closest thing to a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

2017年1月16日 — Both are Free to play. Szone is on Steam and here is a link for STALKER online if you want to give it a try. Edit: They ...

What's the difference between this and Stalker Online?

2015年7月5日 — Currently sZone-Online holds all the trademarks, software licenses and other documents proving that our project is authentic and belongs to us.